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Title-systems integration

The success of any software solution rests with the end users it serves, regardless of whether the �end-user� is a system or an individual. InterPro recognizes that the end-user experience is directly affected by the usability of the system and its reliability. It is therefore imperative during the design of new functionality that interfaces and information architecture are carefully considered and reviewed with business experts. Likewise, module, functional, and integration testing must be rigorous and complete.

InterPro Software Reliability Services render services in software testing (Validation and Verification), business analysis and documentation. The team works with the latest automation testing tools and has experts experienced in planning and executing test automation.

InterPro Software Reliability Services adds value to the software it tests by:

  • Identifying functionality gaps in the tested applications through business-analytical review and thus unearthing all �common logical� errors;

  • Adopting simulated �business scenarios based testing�, to ensure end-to-end integration of the application tested;

  • Anticipating error-prone areas;

  • Identifying security lapses in the software and their impact; and

  • Testing the software from the customer�s perspective and identifying all errors including usability errors.



customer contact center
document management
employer services
eProduct development
- rapid release implementation
- industry specific analysis
- custom development
- systems integration
- user focused design & testing
- program & project mgmt
- ongoing support
- IT expertise areas
- 24-hour development cycle
technical support
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