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Title-industry specific analysis

InterPro develops applications using the latest methodologies and tools. First, we ensure the customer's needs are thoroughly understood. Once these requirements are captured, we design a �best-fit� solution addressing the customer's overall organizational and IT goals. During development and implementation, great care is taken to ensure the right team with the appropriate experience is assembled for each project, ensuring all deliverables meet promised functionality on schedule.

MegaSoft provides Application Solutions Services comprised of project leaders, application development specialists, analysts, and programmers. Our team works with many different applications development incorporating best practices to be utilized throughout the Problem Statement, Requirements, Analysis, Design, Construction, Business User Final Acceptance and Transition phases of the system development life cycle.




customer contact center
document management
employer services
eProduct development
- rapid release implementation
- industry specific analysis
- custom development
- systems integration
- user focused design & testing
- program & project mgmt
- ongoing support
- IT expertise areas
- 24-hour development cycle
medical solutions
technical support
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